Sunday, April 10, 2011

How To Drink Water

                                                 How To Drink Water
        Step 1,  Save three of your emptied wine bottles , rinse and dry.
        Step 2    Fill it up with New York tap water filtered  through Brita-like system. It is just as good as  
                      bottled water if not better because it is free.
        Step 3  Drink all the water throughout the day, lots of it during the first three hours in the morning
                    and before bedtime.

 Congratulations. You have now fulfilled your required eight to ten glasses of water a day.You have now heeded what your body needs, your body needs that water, pure, plain, simple water at room temperature,
no ice, the warmer the better only because if the water is pure, it dan go ahead and do its amny functions without the body having to deal with all the additives in the liquid like alcohol, caffeine, sugar, coloring,
etc, etc,

Pure water, drank copiously acts as a flush in our entire system just like the streets in Madrid are cleaned
with strong water hoses every night, cleaning our entire digestive system, carrying out  toxins and waste products.

According  to a study on the effects of dehydration, here is a partial list of illnesses highly preventable
by the simple act of drinking water;  Heartburn, arthritis, back pain, angina, migraine, colitis,asthma,,
early adult diabetes, cholesterol, depression, muscular dystrophy, multiple schlerosis, , etc.

When you start producing mucus especially in the morning it means you are dehydrated in a cellular level. How so? The body's prompt response to thirst is to flood the lung sacs with mucus to prevent the thin membrane of the lung sacs from drying and tearing, an irreparable and painful condition. Pay attention to these first signs of runny noses to prevent further complications of having an overload of
mucus in your system like colds, cough, broncho-pneumonia, flu.

When feeling constipated, drink plenty of water. End of story.

Make it a habit to take a water bottle with you each time you leave the house. Fill it up at home. It will be
free, cost you nothing, you save your dollar and it is better for the environment.

When you eat salty food,  you become thirsty. Salt is dehydrating as in salted dried fish.Thus the salted peanuts in the bar.Drink extra amount of water when snacking on salty foods. But no, we drink beer, alcohol, soda to the delight of the bartender, to the ddistress of the body.

Hydro-therapy for high blood pressure goes like this; The first three hours you are up in the morning, take no solids, only four glasses of water. Do this for a month to lower your high blood pressure.

Use water to change your mood from dark to light instantly , by doing some of these tricks::
  1. Splash your face and neck with hot water, then very cild. Do it again and again until you get bored,        youll be a new person when you dry up.
  2. Do the same with your feet as well. Some people put ice in the cold bucket  just for the fun of it.
  3. Have a hot soak, as hot as possible. If feeling achy and  heavy, pour a box of Epsom salt.
  4. Use ice cubes to wash your face, guaranteed picker-upper.
  5, Steamed hot towels, anyone? Great before and after meals and flight.
  6. Hold a bowl or a large cup of hot water, tea or soup. Cup your hands around it. The heat you feel
      in your ten finger tips will travel directly to your heart and as we know, heat expands, cold contracts
      causing your heart to be warmed over, causing you to relax.

If you must have flavoring in your water, lemon, ginger, maple syrup, cayenne pepper, apple cider
vinegar have been known to have beneficial effects.

Close your eyes as you slowly drink water. Concentrate on the sensation of the flow of water starting from the mouth, to throat , to esophagus all the way to the stomach. Zen at its best.With your eyes closed
thank the universe thhat you have water to drink because many more people in the world do not have it.

                                Water is the elixir of life,
                                Water is your friend.
                                 Drink up, Drink up.
                                Water oh so pure, so pleasurable.
                                 Mmmmmm, Ahhhhhhh.




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