Saturday, March 26, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Another New York City

                                   Another New York City
       If it is true that there could be
                                               another form of life
                out there light years away,
                                               I can't ever imagine
                          Another New York City 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

DIY Fashion-#2

Dear Friends, Thanks very much for the encouragement. It is warming to the heart. It guides me to stay on course. So for today, I will teach you  how to make yourself  this cute spring jacket. It is so easy that you'll be  done in no time at all. Then you will make another one. And another..

  1. Dig out from your wardrobe light wool sweaters that you will sacrifice to the chopping board.
  2. Make sure you have a pair of sharp scissors.
  3. Lay the sweater flat on the table or floor.
  4.  Cut open in the middle, from the front to the waist.
  5.  Cut off sleeves at least 8 inches from the wrist. This pair, you can use as pockets.  To make pockets, sew together the edge where you did the cutting from the inside so when you turn it inside-out, you have a pair which again you can decorate if you wish. Attach pockets in place, making sure you leave two top sides of the sleeve free to allow two  compartments per pocket. One for the cell phone, another for the Ipod. 
  6.  Attach ribbons near the neckline if you want to be able to close your jacket.
  7.  Now, because it is wool, you do not have to secure the edges with a binding. It will not unravel.
            There you go, happy spring cleaning.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

DIY Fashion

Designing and sewing clothes is one of my favorite activity. I also want to inspire others to do the same because it really is a lot of fun with all possibilities of being lucrative. I'm  talking about recycling, about recession fashion. 

I will take for granted that you know how to run a straight line in an ordinary sewing machine. If you do not have a sewing machine, perhaps an aunt or a neighbor or grandma does. I will also assume that someone has taught you how to use a needle and thread and that you can do hemming and stitching. If so, then you are ready.

Pick a suit, any suit that you want to work with - fresh from your closet or from the thrift shop. Pick a fabric about a yard and a half long for your skirt. This is where the fun is, you get to choose the fabric weight, the color and the design of the skirt. Wool, velvet, upholstery fabrics are heavy weight, cotton, taffeta are middle weight while silk and chiffon are lightweight. You choose the length (above the knee, below, mid-calf) and the volume of the skirt (straight, pleated, or shirred). Save a few inches for your hemline which you will hand stitch at the end. After making the skirt the same width as the bottom of the suit, attach together by hand stitching. Make sure it is double stitched for strength and stability.

You may add embellishments (buttons, pockets, lace, applique, jewelry, embroidery, etc.) for an upbeat look. Check all the finishing touches, iron out all wrinkles and voila, you got mail.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

I, a living breathing artist, declare that to create something out of nothing but sheer will and imagination is one of the greatest pleasures ever known to man, or at least to me.  It is better than sex I promise you that. It gets you higher than any drugs. You can do it 24/7.

When I create I feel alive, electric and almost omnipotent. Time stands still. The outside world ceases to exist. It is only me and my medium. We engage in the process. A conversation ensues which is the main source of the pleasure. The end product of that pleasure is the artwork that I've just given birth to. It's alive and it has personality, my brainchild, so to speak. 

I believe that we are all creative beings, that we all have a right to experience the act of creating. The lucky ones recognize this within themselves at an early age and just rolls with it. Life suddenly offers more options. Think Justin Bieber.  Some deny it and settles down to sleep with the enemy, mediocrity and frustration. If you don't exercise your creativity it will eat you up in many ways.

"Why do we do art?", I ask.  "Because it is the only sane thing to do." an artist friend answers.