Sunday, April 3, 2011

Why I Love New York City

 New York City has been home for me for almost thirty five years. Each time I travel out, the final leg of the trip which is coming home becomes the most exciting part of my journey. I have arrived., safe and sound.
  Unromantic as it may sound but I think the subway system makes this city as dynamic as it is. I like the fact that when it was built more than a hundred years ago, the powers that were had the ideal to make it fair  to all passengers wether coming from Queens or Brooklyn into Manhattan to pay the same price. It is not so in Paris or London or D.C. Fare increases as distance traveled increases. Presently, our $2.25 is still a bargain. For one token, I can go to the beach. I can also go to Queens to be with the Greeks or Indians or eat Filipino food. For a token, I can be in Brooklyn and feel like a tourist especially in Brighton Beach, come home with souvenirs like caviar , blintzes and gold painted tea cups. When I have an unlimited weekly train and bus card, I feel like the city is mine 24/7. Because of the subway, New Yorkers can party with impunity. There is no last train to catch. no cars to drive. As a host of a party, you can invite everybody you know across the city, and know that guests can come without much ado. When they leave, drunk or not, the train operator is their designated driver. Because of the subway system, New Yorkers
can blissfully exist without a car. No parking, tickets, insurance, mortgage, gas, etc. We've been living green for the longest time. Because of the subway system,  you can be as professional as you want to be.
When you have an appointment, you can be there on time. No traffic to blame.
   Most of my out of town friends and guests never fail to be mesmerized by the sheer raw energy of the city's  population. Standing in one corner on Broadway, a first time visitor's jaw just drops at the sight of thousands of people scurrying to and fro, "I've seen more people in a minute here than a year in Australia."
I like it that most of the local population are generally friendly, down to earth and proactive in their lives.
                                         -  to be continued-

1 comment:

  1. Hi June, I know a photographer based there in New York who may probably like to collaborate with you to photograph NYC (if it suits you) to accompany your narrative. He blogs at Like you, he is passionate about New York too. He was/is a college classmate and is on staff at Cornell New York City campus. Coincidentally, his initials are NYC ... so NYC loves NYC.
